Friday, October 17, 2008

Intuition – The Sixth Sense

Intuition ! what is intuition ?Do we believe in it and should we believe in it?
Is intuition an supernatural phenomena or is it purely analytical ?
With these questions in mind ,I thought of putting my understanding of intuition.

To start with I am a firm believer in intuition. But what is intuition ?
Intuition is the ability to sense and come at conclusion without putting thought process into it.
This word has always excited me and it is integral part of my life .Being a teenager I thought its supernatural phenomena and its not analytical but off late I have changed my perception of intuition.

I have at times taken quite a number of decision on intuition. And to my surprise it worked almost without exception ,and to add more to ,after deciding on intuition and later putting the thoughts to it I never regretted my decision.

So is intuition the subconscious mind of ours which direct us with an instant response based on the experiences we have gone through. Yes ,is my answer as far as I understand.
I am sure a person having positive attitude in life will always come up with intuitions that are positive too.And I feel the more to talk and feed your intuition is simply become stronger and accurate.

Recently while going through some biographies of the successful CEOs ,I found that its part of there personality too and just not that they use it quite frequently even at crucial points.As its not always possible to have all the data before you start. So its better you start quick with 80% info then wait longer for the rest 20%.

To conclude i feel its good to listen to our intuition it might help most of times.


Munish Gupta said...

Can you please name a few successful CEOs whose biographies you have studied

Dara Singh Hooda said...

The one's who belived and used the intuition quite regularly are Lee Iacocca(FORD) & Jack Welch(GE).

You can look out for the books "lee iacocca" & "Winning"(wining is not exactly an biography ,but its all about Jack Welch's philosophy).

I have mentioned the belivers in intuition,not just the succesful CEO.
Pls confirm if that answers your query.