CB –cell broadcast ,as the name specifies it is a service used by mobile operators to broadcast messages.
Broadcast messages can reach all the mobiles under a tower or the entire country (
Only handsets that have CB-channels activated will receive the messages). It’s fast and it’s real-time! Send-ing a message to millions of handsets is indeed a matter of seconds.
Cell Broadcast was defined in 1993 in phase 2 of the GSM standard. It was not until May 1996 that a German operator started a project to investigate the possibilities of a commercial Cell Broadcast service. The first commercial system was launched in March 1998 in Lebanon.
SMS-CB offers the ability to differentiate the push messages depending on the location. Messages can be broadcast to areas as small as one single radio cell, as big as the entire network and any cluster of areas in between. No other mature technology offers such a feature.
words, SMS-CB messages are directed to radio cells, rather than to a specific terminal. SMS-CB is an unconfirmed push service, meaning that the originator of the message does not know who has received the message, allowing for services based on anonymity.
A Cell Broadcast Entity (CBE) is a multi-user front-end that allows the definition and control of SMS-CB messages. A CBE can be located at the site of a content provider.
At the site of the operator a so-called Cell Broadcast Centre (CBC) is located. The CBC is the heart of the Cell Broadcast System and acts as a server for all CBE clients. It takes care of the administration of all SMS-CB messages it receives from the CBEs and does the communication towards the GSM network. The GSM network itself takes care of delivering the SMS-CB messages to the mobile terminals.
This technology is used in deploying location-based subscriber services, such as regional auctions, local weather, traffic conditions and 'nearest' services (like requesting the nearest service station or restaurant).
To recieve a broadcast message the mobile subsciber must tune into that broadcast channel. Most modern mobiles are equipped with this technology and the hadsets will be preactivated to recieve broadcast messages. A single broadcast message can contain upto 1395 characters, and equivalent of 8 normal SMS message.Broadcast messages have a dedicated channel of their own and they in no way add any load to the existing network.
Broadcast Advantages
Location sensitive
Fast and efficient message delivery
No additional network traffic
Real time communication (less than 5 sec delivery time)
Support binary messages (ringtones, logos, OTA configurations)
No storage required
No need to know the telephone numbers of the mobiles
Possible Services
1 Cell information
Perhaps the most common service is broadcast of cell information. Most networks already have this service on channel 50, which is done without a CBC.
2 Events
Important Events happening in the city or country can be broadcasted .
3 Advertising
Cell Broadcast is well suited for advertising. However, it must be kept in mind that there must be a balance between advertising and ‘useful’ information, otherwise the Handset User may turn off the channel
4 Traffic Information Service
In-car navigation systems become increasingly more popular, especially for the business drivers that travel from destination to destination. Cell Broadcast is a very efficient bearer for information about traffic jams or road works, so the navigation system can calculate an alternate route.
5 Operator Information
The network operator can use Cell Broadcast to announce tariff changes, advertise for products and ser-vices, perhaps in exchange for free logos or ring tones to keep the Handset User interested in the channel.
6 Auctions
Mobile auctions can start with a Cell Broadcast message. Users can enter their bids through SMS, or IVR and the end of the auction can again be announced with a broadcast message.
7 Emergency notification
Emergency services are one of the most wanted location-based services that people would like to have on their mobile telephone (according to Harris Interactive US market study on LBS). This preference for emer-gency services exists because local calamities are a fact of life: environmental disasters like Tornadoes, Typhoons, Tsunami and volcano eruptions; major traffic calamities; industrial disasters like explosions and recently terrorist actions happen all over the world.
8 M-Marketing
A Mobile Marketing campaign is an activity where a company needs access to a large group who are will-ing to co-operate in a survey. The group of Handset Users is already large (hundreds of thousand to many millions of subscribers), and is still growing. These Handset Users might be willing when given the right incentive. Cell Broadcast can be used to trigger responses. Responses given through SMS or IVR are used to build a database with valuable marketing information.
Vision and Future
Mobile handset user:
Cell Broadcast will be the reliable, location specific, source of information, Today it's text, tomorrow it will be pictures and the day after it will be video. In case of emergencies, using a mobile handset will be the reliable way of receiving information - fast - through Cell Broadcast messages send by authorities.
Government authority:
Because of the growth of mobile telephone users, the immense popularity of mobile telephones, Cell Broadcast is the ultimate way to communicate to citizen in case of emergency. Even those people, who do not have a mobile telephone, will be informed by the people who have it.
Network Operator:
Cell Broadcast will boost revenues for SMS, MMS, WAP and IVR services. From Operator Customer Loyalty perspective: offering Cell Broadcast information, in cooperation with Government authorities, will help your customers receiving the right information, on the right moment, on the right location, from a reliable source, via the mobile telephone.
Right now only text and binary messages can be broadcasted. But as 3G phone become more and more popular 3G broadcast services will be available. Streaming audio and video will be available on broadcast channels. Those kind of technologies will ensure that a mobile user has access to all the radio and TV channels on his mobile phone itself.
Questions coming to your mind ?
Q: How can I send a Cell Broadcast message?
A: This is not possible. Only an operator/content provider can send messages.
Q: Will Cell Broadcast expose my position to the operator or content provider?
A: No. Since Cell Broadcast does not address individual mobile phones, it does not need to know your position.
Q: Do I have Cell Broadcast on my mobile phone?
A: Probably Yes. Most modern Cell Broadcast GSM phones support Cell Broadcast. The name could be different i.e. Local info, cell info are also used as names for Cell Broadcast on mobile phones.
Q: How do I activate Cell Broadcast on my mobile phone?
A: Please check your mobile phone manual or call the customer care.
Q: I would like to receive only messages with are of interest to me.
How do I block SPAM?
A: As a mobile phone user you can yourself decide which Cell Broadcast channels to activate.
Q: Is Cell Broadcast also available in the new 3G networks?
A: Yes, the service is called Service Area Broadcast (SAB) in 3G and delivers the same functionality with enhanced capacity on the air-interface.
Q: Is it possible to send EMS-content over a Cell Broadcast channel?
A: Yes, in February 2002, EMS content (logos, icons, ring tones, etc..) being sent over a Cell Broadcast channel has been standardised. Handsets manufacturers will follow these 3GPP specifications.
Q: Can I receive Cell Broadcast messages from my home country in a different country?
A: No. Cell Broadcast provides location speicific messages, and are limited to the network of the operator you are connected to.
Q: What is the length of a Cell Broadcast message?
A: One Cell Broadcast message contains up to 15 pages of 93 characters each.
Q: Why does my operator not have Cell Broadcast.
A: Probably they did not discover the power of Cell Broadcast yet.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Train Travel @Karnataka Express (New Delhi to Bangalore)
I opted for train travel this time after a long period while coming back from delhi .And it was none other than Karnataka Express as it take kind of nights a 1 day .
Earlier the plan was that I will come with my family but due to some change in plan it was just me, and I really enjoyed these ~40 Hrs spent.
I simple love traveling by train ; the only thing that stops me is the time .
As I was without my family I had all the time to spend it as I wanted! which could have been difficult with my kids.
Day 1
We hired an driver to reach New Delhi railway station from sonipat.Its ~60 Km from my hometown .
We took my brother in laws car but opted for driver as he is famous for make things late all the time he drives .
We reached station some 1:15 hrs before schedule and soon I asked him to leave and I was all alone .
The train started some 30 minutes late, quite acceptable by Indian terms
So after the train started I had the dinner packed by my mother. Mothers will never stop caring for there kids let them be young or grown ups.I told her very firmly , pls don’t prepare any food for the way ,but she didn’t agree.
She had prepared palak parathas with tori ke sabji ,it was awesome ,she also packed some buttermilk for me.After having the food i tried to sleep but soon came the first stop @agra and came a couple with loads of luggage ,thus a prospect fight and that’s what it turned out to ,a verbal fight, as the guy started moving out the already placed luggage here and there to place his own, and to stop this stuff I played the mediator role to stop the dirty stuff and it worked as always.
I went for sleep around 1 AM my usual time ,but it never was sound sleep ,reason I could not figure out as it was convenient enough.
As I got countless wakeup throughout the night so I decided to finally wakeup around 6 thus After many many days I GOT THE opportunity of watching the sunrise ,I captured it too with my Nokia N72.
I am an foodie ,love eating and keeeping that spirit I tried wada @Bhopal station in the morning ,but I was wondering that the particular shop I got wada from only had south Indian food ..like dosa ,ildi wada.As Bhopal is in central India ,but anyways I enjoyed the wada,as I am fan of south Indian food.Then it was followed by the Bread with vegitable cutlet been served by the pantry guys in the train.
After food it was reading time then ,I got a Chetan BHagat book(3 mistake ….) from New delhi station .although I am not a great fan of chetan bhagat style of writing ,but I found this book appropriate to complete during my ~40 hrs journey .
My earlier experience with his book(5 point someone ) was not great …as I never found it worth ready after couple of chapters as I found it was not as interesting as my own collage life.
In the evening I had the pleasure of meeting an interesting person. A polite ,educated ,well spoken guy was discussing something with person sitting next to me and listening to them, I interrupted and participated with them and within few minutes I come to conclusion that he had some loose screws .He was so confused that he was not even aware what bogie he was into. That’s the fun of traveling on the train ,which you normally don’t get in any other medium of travel ,as you prone to meet many different and unique cases.
Day 3
Again it was tough for me to get the sound sleep I expected, and I was awake at around 8 AM, this day was more of an wait for reaching Bangalore ,which I stared almost at 11 although the expected time to reach Bangalore was 1.40 .
Meantime I also completed my first Chetan Bhagat book ,which I would have never done if I had other ways to pastime .
After completing reading his book I feel that I too can write books ,as its not too tough to write such books.
Few hours before reaching Bangalore came some station named Sri Sai XXXXXXXXX ,not sure about the complete name, ane the gentleman I was talking about I met the day before left the train and then I understood the reason for his behavior .I have many such cases who spoil there carrier for such things .In search for unknown things they loose focus from the real things.
Karnataka Express halts at three stations of Bangalore ,yehlanka been the first one then Cant and finally city .In train I came to know that Cant will be the nearest one for me as I stay near in C V Raman nagar.But I was lucky enough as the train stopped for couple of minutes at some small station which was just 3 Km away from my flat and I grabbed the opportunity ,I offered the same to one other train mate who refused saying he has family even though I also extended my help in that too ,and thus the 40 hrs of wonderful journey came to an abrupt end.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
New generation Alto –A star
Recently Suzuki showcased its Alto A star at Paris Auto Show, and in coming days it will be launched in India too.
Suzuki is targeting European market with this car and will be called as Alto out there ,but will be A-Start in India .
As maruti want it to co-exist with current alto and to challenge Hyundai ‘s i10.
It has got great looks and with its beautiful look it will please the fairer sex.
A-star will be price between Rs3-4 lakhs(petrol version). No plans for the diesel version yet by Maruti-Suzuki.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Buick –General Motors
“Buick” may not be that popular or say known brand in Indian automobile market but it has potential and history attached. Most of us have certainly heard of Opel, chevrolet the well know brands in India .But do you know ? it’s the buick which goes back to the origination of General Motors.
I first heard of this brand when I was in Shanghai (China) ,and guess what !China is the biggest market for Buick.
Ok ,lets peek into the history of Buick and thus the origination of GM .
Buick was at time independent motor company know as Buick Motor Company ,started in early twentieth century ,1903 @ Detroit(Brith places of many auto giants) .
William Durant took over in 1904 to manage Buick and Buick soon became the largest car maker in America. He used the profits earned out of Buick success for series of corporate acquisitions and thus emerged the great General Motors.
Durant philosophy was each General Motors division to target one class of buyer, and in his new scheme Buick was near the top only the Cadillac was more prestigious.
Even today Buick is sold in large numbers in USA ,Canada ,China ,Taiwan .
In china Buick is left back VW in the sales figures .
Checkout some of the models of Buick .
Buick Enclave (2008 — Current)
Buick Lucerne (2006 — Current)
Buick Park Avenue (2007 — Present, only sold in China)
I hope to see Buick on Indian Road some day.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Intuition – The Sixth Sense
Intuition ! what is intuition ?Do we believe in it and should we believe in it?
Is intuition an supernatural phenomena or is it purely analytical ?
With these questions in mind ,I thought of putting my understanding of intuition.
To start with I am a firm believer in intuition. But what is intuition ?
Intuition is the ability to sense and come at conclusion without putting thought process into it.
This word has always excited me and it is integral part of my life .Being a teenager I thought its supernatural phenomena and its not analytical but off late I have changed my perception of intuition.
I have at times taken quite a number of decision on intuition. And to my surprise it worked almost without exception ,and to add more to ,after deciding on intuition and later putting the thoughts to it I never regretted my decision.
So is intuition the subconscious mind of ours which direct us with an instant response based on the experiences we have gone through. Yes ,is my answer as far as I understand.
I am sure a person having positive attitude in life will always come up with intuitions that are positive too.And I feel the more to talk and feed your intuition is simply become stronger and accurate.
Recently while going through some biographies of the successful CEOs ,I found that its part of there personality too and just not that they use it quite frequently even at crucial points.As its not always possible to have all the data before you start. So its better you start quick with 80% info then wait longer for the rest 20%.
To conclude i feel its good to listen to our intuition it might help most of times.
Is intuition an supernatural phenomena or is it purely analytical ?
With these questions in mind ,I thought of putting my understanding of intuition.
To start with I am a firm believer in intuition. But what is intuition ?
Intuition is the ability to sense and come at conclusion without putting thought process into it.
This word has always excited me and it is integral part of my life .Being a teenager I thought its supernatural phenomena and its not analytical but off late I have changed my perception of intuition.
I have at times taken quite a number of decision on intuition. And to my surprise it worked almost without exception ,and to add more to ,after deciding on intuition and later putting the thoughts to it I never regretted my decision.
So is intuition the subconscious mind of ours which direct us with an instant response based on the experiences we have gone through. Yes ,is my answer as far as I understand.
I am sure a person having positive attitude in life will always come up with intuitions that are positive too.And I feel the more to talk and feed your intuition is simply become stronger and accurate.
Recently while going through some biographies of the successful CEOs ,I found that its part of there personality too and just not that they use it quite frequently even at crucial points.As its not always possible to have all the data before you start. So its better you start quick with 80% info then wait longer for the rest 20%.
To conclude i feel its good to listen to our intuition it might help most of times.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Bullet Classic –Bullet Reborn
Here is a good news for the bullet enthusiasts. Royal Enfield will launch the bullet classic soon.
It will be a 500 CC bike .This will prove out to be beast with 27.2 BHP,looks are stunning too.
Just to give you some brief info ,Bullet is the longest running model since 1932,a great achievement I feel.
For more details check the link below.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Hyundai i20-The new one in Hyundai stable
Come december 2008 and the car lovers have another gift from hyundia motors in the form of i20 after the much talked about success of i10.
In the recently held PARIS MOTOR SHOW October 2008 ,hyundia showcased its i20. Its an replacement for the supermini Gets. The style of i20 is quite influenced by i30.
The i20 with a price tag 4.5-6L and will take on the new Skoda Fabia, Suzuki Swift ,Swift desire . The car will be manufactured in Chennai and exported to other part of world just like i10.
So do we consider the regime of much acclaimed Swift is gone from the Indian roads.
Some specs to look for in i20
Model: Petrol
Car Body Type: Hatchback
Displacement: 1248cc
Engine Type: Petrol
Maximum Power: 78bhp
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Buffettology(Warren Buffet’s philosophy)
In the trying times of market meltdown and global recession looking inevitable it looks to me as if it’s the right time to follow buffettology (Warren Buffet’s philosophy).
Warren Buffett the greatest investor and philanthropist of modern times is disciple of Benjamin Graham ,the founder of value investing philosophy .Value investors look for securities with prices that are dramatically low compared to there worth i.e value investors seek products that are of high quality but underpriced.
He chooses stocks totally on the basis of their overall potential as a company . When Buffett invests in a company, he isn't concerned with whether the market will eventually recognize its worth; he is concerned with how well that company can make money as a business.
So his idea is buy a stock or say business thinking that share market might be closed for 10 years. Although the share market will be closed but the sound business you have invested in will keep on growing irrespective of markets.
Buffett typically only considers that have been around for at least 10 years.
As a result, most of the technology companies wouldn't get picked up by Buffett.
Another point to focus here is Buffett will invest only in a business that he fully understands.
He says never underestimate the value of historical performance which guides you about the company’s capabilities to increase worth of its investors. But remember that the past performance of a stock does not guarantee future performance.
He believes that its better to invest in companies dealing in cola ,chewing gum than to an technology company as people will never stop chewing gums or drinking coke.
Some of the important Quotes from buffet to remember and follow:
1. Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.
2. You should invest in a business that even a fool can run, because someday a fool will.
3. Never invest in a business you cannot understand.
4. Investing is laying out money now to get more money back in the future.
5. If a business does well, the stock eventually follows.
6. It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.
7. For some reason people take their cues from price action rather than from values. Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.
8. Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.
9. All there is to investing is picking good stocks at good times and staying with them as long as they remain good companies.
10. Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing.
11. What we learn from history is that people don't learn from history.
12. You are neither right nor wrong because the crowd disagrees with you. You are right because your data and reasoning are right.
13. You don't need to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ.
14. The best business returns are usually achieved by companies that are doing something quite similar today to what they were doing five or ten years ago.
15. Diversification may preserve wealth, but concentration builds wealth.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Is it right time to invest in Indian Share market ?
Yesterday there was statement given by SEBI and RBI regarding P-Notes & CRR rate cut.
Is it an right move ,is that panic or a right step.
I am totally confused with whats going at BSE & NSE ,Monday again saw a bloodbath with sensex shedding more than 700 point to close below 12000.
Now question comes is there anything fundamently wrong with indain market,or its just an action reaction game going on.
I am quite scared of the comments and suggestion these analysis and expert give.Remember Jan 2008 ,when everyone one talking about more and more higher level and sudenly look at there comments and views in recent times.
I feel no one is sure about what happening and whats gona come in recent times ,everyone is just speculating things.
Sometimes at this point of time i feel its the right time to invest into the markets ,but am not very sure if we had already botoomed out or we still have 10-20 % fall waiting ...will it be 11K,10K or 9K ...no one has clues.
But still i feel we should atleast think about having a fresh start at this point of time,definalty if we have an longer prospective,say 2-3 years or may be more than that.
Is it the right time as the legendry BUffet suggests ,that buy when everyone is selling?
Hope i get the answers to my questions soon,and so everyone else.
Is it an right move ,is that panic or a right step.
I am totally confused with whats going at BSE & NSE ,Monday again saw a bloodbath with sensex shedding more than 700 point to close below 12000.
Now question comes is there anything fundamently wrong with indain market,or its just an action reaction game going on.
I am quite scared of the comments and suggestion these analysis and expert give.Remember Jan 2008 ,when everyone one talking about more and more higher level and sudenly look at there comments and views in recent times.
I feel no one is sure about what happening and whats gona come in recent times ,everyone is just speculating things.
Sometimes at this point of time i feel its the right time to invest into the markets ,but am not very sure if we had already botoomed out or we still have 10-20 % fall waiting ...will it be 11K,10K or 9K ...no one has clues.
But still i feel we should atleast think about having a fresh start at this point of time,definalty if we have an longer prospective,say 2-3 years or may be more than that.
Is it the right time as the legendry BUffet suggests ,that buy when everyone is selling?
Hope i get the answers to my questions soon,and so everyone else.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Trip to CHIKMAGLUR (Belur-Kemmangundi-Baba Budan Giri-Mullayanagiri-Manikya dhara)
Thanks to two days off in last week 1-2 Oct 2008,we took an off on friday as well to make it an long week off.
Plan was to start on 30sep night but as we were four families it was a tough to make it.
So we started on 1 st evening.
We booked an quails + we had one car (verna).So we settled with two family in each car.Let me introduce my friends …kaustubh ,raghu,venkata and there families.
Although idea was to start at 5 PM from Bangalore but it was 6 by the time we left Hebbal and to add to our inconvenience it was loads of traffic on the way to neelmangla vai jalahali .
It took us around 2.5 Hrs to cross neelmangla and we stopped at some outskirt dhaba for the dinner.
It was a decent one if not good ,named Farm restaurant around 3 KM after neelmanagla.
Then we started for Hassan ,and by 12 we reached Hassan .
We had done a hotel booking there ,we simply went of to our rooms and decided for a start at 7 in the morning to BELUR temples .
And just like always we started at 8 AM and I feel that a decent time to start when three couples out of four had babies and I have two.
We went to belur via Halebid (about 17 kms from Belur).Both the temples are done by Hoysala dynasty and are pretty old ~900 years.
To sum up halebid was a treat to watch from outside and belur temples from inside.
For the first time in my traveling Experience we did an Guide but not by me,it was done by my colleague Raghu. Although it was not an bad experience .
The temples were simply awesome I wish we could have spent some more time there .
After belur we started for chikmaglur .we were not sure on reaching chikmaglur how to proceed further .
There were two options ,one was to stay and chikmaglur ,have rest and then move ahead for further spots another was keep moving and see what we can cover on the day left .Finally we went with second option.
And we raced towards kemmangundi ,not very sure were to go first ,as there were many points we were looking forward to ,it was 1 in the afternoon at this time.
And on the way we decided to first finish with Mullayanagiri …it road was decent enough with great view ,green all around.
It took us around 1.25 Hrs to reach at the top ,but it was worth it.
Three of us except kaustubh decided to track up to the peak around 500Mts ,and it was awesome experaince .My wife was also interested enough to come with us ,but she has to handle our small kid (3 month old …..his first long trip).
We spent some 20 minutes on top and then back .
We then headed towards Baba Budan Giri ,but were not lucky enough to see the cave inside the peak ,and it has been closed since some time due to some fights among the Hindus and Muslims both of them claming it as there sacred place.
But reaching there we came o know there is another place to watch for MANIKYA DHARA.
We had spicy mirchi pakoda out there ,it was gr8 as we had not done any lunch that day and it was 5 Pm that point of time.
We noticed a strange thing at this place ,there was a small fall out there ,and it was mentioned on the boards that drop your cloths here if you are taking bath or else a fine of 50 Rs. I couldn’t relate some rationale to it.
At 6 we left back for chikmaglur.
We were at chikmaglur at 8 searching for hotels,after looking for couple of them we setteled for Rajmahal lodge ,although first choice was Soundarya residency but the deluxe room were not availbale out there.
Although we had a plan to sit together and have fun ,but most of us were so tried after the full day out that we preferred to have food at our rooms and go to bed.
The food @rajmahal was disaster.....so i have to look for something else afetr having it and then i looked out for fish curry in some nearby restaurent ,which was one of the best i have had,simply wonderfull.
The plan for next day was to start for kemmangundi around 9 ,but this time we were too late and started at 11.
On the way to kemengundi we droped at Kalathi falls.Its an small fall ,but good for bath.
I was the one to start having it and withing minutes all of us were enjoying the waterfall as cool as ice ,but it was real fun
There is a small temple out there between two rocks overall its a nice view.
We then left for kemmangundi but we spent quite a time at kalathi falls,it was 3 by the time we reached kemmangundi.we were dying for food at this point if time to our disgust we have to wait for 30-40 minutes to have rice with sambar with no other option available.
It was 4:30 and next target was Hebbe fall ,but somehow it didnt clicked,one major issue was personal vehical were not allowed,and we rushed back inside to kemmangundi to checkout what is available there .
There was one beautifull place called Z point and one has to track to reach there .as it was around 5 in the evening and we didnt had proper gears like ,shoes and torch as it was confirm that by the time we wil return it will be dark ,so we returned back .
So we missed two important places ,Hebbe fall and Z point but with an resolution that we will be back here soon to conqure them.
it was 6 and we started back to bangalore.With two breaks one for tea and another for dinner we were @bangalore at 2 AM on sat morning.
So overall it was just wonderfull.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Short Trip to Chikmangalur
I am planing for a short trip to Chikmangalur this week.
We are four friends from same company.
Looking forward for a great experaince .
We have planned to start in the evening ,stay @hassan for the night,move towards chikmangalur via belur.
On reaching chikmangalur ,we will visit Hebeee fall...bhadra wildlife san......and places nearby.
I will be sharing my experiance soon after the trip.
We are four friends from same company.
Looking forward for a great experaince .
We have planned to start in the evening ,stay @hassan for the night,move towards chikmangalur via belur.
On reaching chikmangalur ,we will visit Hebeee fall...bhadra wildlife san......and places nearby.
I will be sharing my experiance soon after the trip.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
sushil kumar wins bronze in bejing ---second medal for india
India’s second medal in Beijing olympic.
Sushil kumar won bronze medal in Men’s Freestyle 66kg against Leonid Spiridonov of Kazakhstan.
Checkout below link for Sushil Kumars biography.
This is India's first wrestling medal since the 1952 Games w. This is also the first time since 1952 that India has two Olympic medals.
Sushil kumar won bronze medal in Men’s Freestyle 66kg against Leonid Spiridonov of Kazakhstan.
Checkout below link for Sushil Kumars biography.
This is India's first wrestling medal since the 1952 Games w. This is also the first time since 1952 that India has two Olympic medals.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Haryanvis in bejing olympics 2008
Haryana has given many players to india.Sports is an important part of life for poeple in haryana.This is despite not many state of art facilities,infrastructure like the big cities in some other parts of india.
Nine players out of a 56-member Indian contingent for Beijing Olympics, belonged to Haryana. Four out of five boxers, hailed from Haryana.
Having made the cut for Beijing, the foursome—Akhil Kumar, Vijender Singh, Jitender and Dinesh—are now the poster boys for Bhiwani,Haryana a new powerhouse of Indian boxing.
Chief National Boxing Coach G.S. Sandhu calls Bhiwani the "Cuba of India", a title the town has earned in the last decade by doggedly nurturing a deep-seated passion for boxing among its rural youth.
Saina Nehwal who won the 2006 Philippines Open, to become the first Indian woman to win a four-star badminton event is also an Hisar,Haryana born.Both her parents were former state champions in Haryana.She has been the runner-up twice in the National women's single event, losing both times to Aparna Popat in the final.
She holds the Under-19 women's single title.
Sandeep Sejwal, a 19 yr old Delhiite jat also has his roots in haryana, he has become the first indian breaststroke swimmer to qualify 4 d beijing olympics.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Zigbee in mobiles
The ZigBee Alliance is expanding into the telecom market with a new initiative extending mobile telephone networks while providing new capabilities for mobile phone users.
The new ZigBee Telecom Profile is designed to feature secure mobile payment, information delivery, health care monitoring, peer-to-peer small data sharing and other location based services and features.
ZigBee mobile devices include mobile telephones and personal digital assistants with embedded ZigBee technology or using a ZigBee subscriber identity module (SIM) card.
These devices act as a mobile terminal and/or as a sensor control device anywhere there is a ZigBee network or ZigBee access point.
Pantech&Curitel showcases world first Zigbee phone at Zigbee Alliance Festival. Zigbee is one of the wireless data transmission solutions with home networking automation function. Korea’s Korwin and Orange Logic share its credit in the development – home networking and location based services(LBS) respectively.
The festival was hosted by Zigbee Alliance, an association of companies working together toward future Zigbee products on global standard. At the ceremony, Pantech&Curitel exhibits the world’s first Zigbee-applied mobile phone.
According to Mi-Hyang Han, a person in charge at Pantech&Curitel, “The worldwide IT industry is progressing toward wireless ubiquitous environments. A mobile phone, becoming more like a commodity, is likely to be a hub of upcoming ubiquitous era.”
Zigbee technology, for example, makes it possible to control the home network. At the festival, the Zigbee-applied P1 of Pantech&Curitel will demonstrate intellectual home/building networking service such as controlling electrical appliances, alarming mail receiving, checking temperature and humidity, sending mobile messages to alarm in case of trespass.
The new ZigBee Telecom Profile is designed to feature secure mobile payment, information delivery, health care monitoring, peer-to-peer small data sharing and other location based services and features.
ZigBee mobile devices include mobile telephones and personal digital assistants with embedded ZigBee technology or using a ZigBee subscriber identity module (SIM) card.
These devices act as a mobile terminal and/or as a sensor control device anywhere there is a ZigBee network or ZigBee access point.
Pantech&Curitel showcases world first Zigbee phone at Zigbee Alliance Festival. Zigbee is one of the wireless data transmission solutions with home networking automation function. Korea’s Korwin and Orange Logic share its credit in the development – home networking and location based services(LBS) respectively.
The festival was hosted by Zigbee Alliance, an association of companies working together toward future Zigbee products on global standard. At the ceremony, Pantech&Curitel exhibits the world’s first Zigbee-applied mobile phone.
According to Mi-Hyang Han, a person in charge at Pantech&Curitel, “The worldwide IT industry is progressing toward wireless ubiquitous environments. A mobile phone, becoming more like a commodity, is likely to be a hub of upcoming ubiquitous era.”
Zigbee technology, for example, makes it possible to control the home network. At the festival, the Zigbee-applied P1 of Pantech&Curitel will demonstrate intellectual home/building networking service such as controlling electrical appliances, alarming mail receiving, checking temperature and humidity, sending mobile messages to alarm in case of trespass.
4G Standards
While most wireless operators are still struggling to understand how to properly setup and utilize their third generation wireless networks, the race for fourth generation network technologies has already begun.
This is not a contradiction as current 3G networks will be operated and enhanced for many years to come. Furthermore, specification, development, rollout and mass production of 4G devices all take their time. Thus, most 4G systems are at least five years or more away from the mass market.
So why will there be a need for 4G networks and which standards are competing on a global scale?
There are two main goals of 4G wireless systems. First of all, more bandwidth and Secondly, 4G networks will no longer have a circuit switched subsystem as current 2G and 3G networks. Instead, the network is based purely on the Internet Protocol (IP).
Currently, 3G networks are transforming into 3.5G networks as carriers add technologies such as HSDPA and HSUPA to UMTS. Staying with the UMTS example, such 3.5G systems are realistically capable of delivering about 6-7 MBit/s in a 5 MHz band. Numbers which are twice as high are circulating as well. However, these speeds can only be reached under ideal conditions (very close to the antenna, no interference, etc) which are rarely found in the real world.
Three different standards are being put together at the moment:WiMAX:
Air interface specs are already pretty well put together and the technology definitely has a technical lead over the competition as far as this is concerned. The WiMAX forum however is still working on standards for the radio access network and the core network which narrows its lead over other technologies. UMTS Long Term Evolution (LTE):
This standard is developed by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the same standards body already responsible for the GSM, GPRS, UMTS and HSDPA standards. EVDO Rev C:
This standard is developed by the Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2), the body responsible for CDMA and EVDO.
This is not a contradiction as current 3G networks will be operated and enhanced for many years to come. Furthermore, specification, development, rollout and mass production of 4G devices all take their time. Thus, most 4G systems are at least five years or more away from the mass market.
So why will there be a need for 4G networks and which standards are competing on a global scale?
There are two main goals of 4G wireless systems. First of all, more bandwidth and Secondly, 4G networks will no longer have a circuit switched subsystem as current 2G and 3G networks. Instead, the network is based purely on the Internet Protocol (IP).
Currently, 3G networks are transforming into 3.5G networks as carriers add technologies such as HSDPA and HSUPA to UMTS. Staying with the UMTS example, such 3.5G systems are realistically capable of delivering about 6-7 MBit/s in a 5 MHz band. Numbers which are twice as high are circulating as well. However, these speeds can only be reached under ideal conditions (very close to the antenna, no interference, etc) which are rarely found in the real world.
Three different standards are being put together at the moment:WiMAX:
Air interface specs are already pretty well put together and the technology definitely has a technical lead over the competition as far as this is concerned. The WiMAX forum however is still working on standards for the radio access network and the core network which narrows its lead over other technologies. UMTS Long Term Evolution (LTE):
This standard is developed by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the same standards body already responsible for the GSM, GPRS, UMTS and HSDPA standards. EVDO Rev C:
This standard is developed by the Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2), the body responsible for CDMA and EVDO.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Bajaj to launch Ninja Soon
Bajaj auto is readying itself to launch Kawasaki Ninja ,the 250 CC bike in india pretty soon.
It was also displayed by bajaj auto at the auto expo in delhi.
The expected price of this bike will be around 2lk.
Since its inception in 1986, the Ninja 250 has been among the best-selling bikes in Kawasaki’s line up. In fact, Kawi sold more little Ninjas in 2007 than anything else in its lineup! Most buyers are beginners, but many keep the highly fuel-efficient little Ninja for commuting.
Some of the vital stats of the beauty:
Engine Type Four-stroke, liquid-cooled, DOHC, parallel twin
Displacement 248 cc
Maximum Torque 18.1 lb-ft @ 10,000 rpm
Transmission 6-Speed
Fuel Tank Capacity 4.8 gal.
Dry Weight 304 lb.
Candy Persimmon Red, Metallic Phantom Silver, Ebony, Candy Plasma Blue
I am looking forward for its arrival.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Jats
The Jat people (Jat: जाट, also spelt Jatt: जट्ट), are a 31 million strong ethnic group of people[1][2] native to South Asia in mainly the Punjab region of India and Pakistan. Other regions include Balochistan, NWFP, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra. They are a ethnic group, race, tribe .The Jat people are considered to be the merged descendants of Indo-Aryans, Indo-Scythian tribes of the region, merging to form the Jat people.[6]
The Jat people were designated by the British Empire as a Martial Race. Martial Races were races & peoples that were naturally warlike and aggressive in battle, and possess qualities like courage, loyalty, self sufficiency, physical strength, resilience, orderliness, hard working, fighting tenacity and military strategy. The British Empire recruited heavily from these Martial Races for service in their Armies. A strategy that is still used today (21st century) in Armies of South Asian countries e.g. The famous Jat Regiment & the Gurkhas.
Many uneducated people think Jat means farmer-caste (caste = social group) but Jat really means race (race = ethnic group), which is very different. There are over 900 million farmers in south Asia and if Jat meant farmer then all of them would call themselves Jats but they don't. The reason why this is because Jat means race/ethnic group. In order to be a Jat you have to have the Jat DNA markers in your genetics highlighted in the (see Jat DNA Genetics section).
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